Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Santa Maria WKC Cruisin' Nationals in One Day...

I haven't posted much lately due to the fact that I have been busy on a couple projects getting ready for the Santa Maria show.  Here are some photos of the past years Santa Maria Cruisin' Nationals. 

Some say "It's not the same as PASO so I don't go to the show".  Others have said "I don't like being locked in the fairgrounds so I don't attend".
The fact remains that it is not PASO and I know that it could not be replaced; however, Santa Maria is where they hold the show and I will be there.  It is all about the Kustoms and Traditional Hot Rods.  Attending this show with a car and being surrounded by so many other Kustoms is what makes it one of the best shows in the world.  What will make it better is to pack the grounds with two thousand Kustoms and Hot Rods to make it to full capacity in the fairgrounds.  That would be amazing.

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